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Wednesday, November 02, 2016

The Importance of Encouraging New Tech Talent

The European Commission is driving infrastructure changes to contribute €250 billion of tech-industry growth to the European economy by 2020 through the Digital Economy Policy. This will create hundreds of thousands of jobs across Europe. But one looming issue with this policy is that, according to the EC's own figures, there won't be enough appropriately skilled workers to take on these roles, with an anticipated 756,000 unfilled ICT vacancies in 2020.

While the Commission is setting up initiatives of its own to fill this gap and working directly with businesses to encourage the training of a more digital workforce, Monsterboard recognizes that more can always be done and wants to play its part throughout Europe.

In the Netherlands, Monsterboard is providing advice for those wishing to enter tech jobs and championing careers in Tech through onsite articles such as Ontmoet het talent achter app development  – translated as "Meet the talent behind app development". Working with Connections Europe to allow two participants to attend the conference free of charge is another way that Monsterboard is encouraging the upskilling of tech professionals across Europe.

Other European branches of Monster are also pushing this activity, with the creation of the Tech Talent Charter in the UK, written by Monster with support from Code First Girls.

Encouragement from the tech industry and initiatives to bring more people into digitally-skilled roles will be vital in closing the gap between the number of tech professionals that Europe needs and the amount Europe has won't be filled. A more skilled and diverse workforce is in every business's interest; the more encouragement the tech industry can put out, the closer we come to filling that 756,000 gap.

Content submitted by Monsterboard

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