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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Success Stories in Energy Management- Consumer Purchase Intentions are Growing

For energy providers, the convergence of smart energy and smart home opportunities is a story of frenemy stakeholders. Myriad service providers and device manufacturers hope to protect and grow their core businesses while exploring new ways to further directly monetize their customer base or work with adjacent partners to provide mutually smart energy solutions.

Getting from here to there for all stakeholders is the challenge. Despite the value proposition of saving money and protecting natural resources, awareness of smart energy programs remains low with, at most, one-fifth of U.S. broadband households being “very” familiar with the various programs tested. It’s a case of leaving money on the current table as well as charting the course to future riches.

The good news is we may be approaching a tipping point as purchase intentions for smart home devices continue to grow, rising from 37% at the end of 2014 to 49% at the end of 2015. Purchase intentions for smart home devices are growing among both current owners and non-owners, a clear sign that the market for smart home devices is heating up.

Smart Energy Summit speakers addressed new ideas on improving product marketing plans and how to create a connection between awareness, intent to purchase and sales.

  • Patrick Agnew, Program Manager, In-home Technology, Florida Power and Light
  • Mark Cosby, Business Development Leader, Westar Energy
  • Harry Emerson, Smart Grid/SmartHours Program, Director, Product Development, OGE Energy Corp
  • David Grant, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Tendril
  • Steve Nisbet, VP - External Relations & Power Solutions, Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association

For more information about Smart Energy Summit, or to download the Event Summary, Click Here.

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