"home network" articles

We're glad to see that the CONNECTIONS conference last week brought out some interesting insight on the home networking space. Rick Merrit at EE Times writes that DLNA may have some interoperability issues, based on tests conducted by Best Buy. We had both Best Buy and VIZIO represented on different panels last week, and we got some interesting comments from them regarding DLNA's issues. We'll be updating the CONNECTIONS blog with additional notes about the event. I'm following up...
by | Jun. 11, 2009
Tags: CONNECTIONS, home network
For each $1,000 in income, U.S. households will pay on average $1 more for a PC, according to the Consumer Decision Process Annual Survey, which has quantified the influence of income and education on the amount consumers spend on specific CE products. International research firm Parks Associates recently completed this survey of over 5,000 U.S. consumers on their 2008 purchases and 2009 purchase intentions. The research, part of the Consumer Decision Process Service, examines...
So, I have fiber optic telco services to my home. So, why do I not have it all the way to my PC or set top box? I know, I know. The installation is expensive, a hassle, and requires adding new wires to my home - not a fun prospect. Wireless could be an option, but what if I am one of those homes where RF is, shall we say, problematic. This past week I had a chance to look over a new technology that looks to address many of these challenges. Firecomms provided us with a demo of Plastic...
by Parks Associates | Apr. 29, 2009
Tags: home network, set top
Parks Associates workshop offers strategies to monetize video services, digital devices, energy management, advertising -- With U.S. households reluctant to cancel home services despite the down economy, growth in cable and IPTV VoD services will remain strong, with revenues exceeding $11 billion by 2013, according to Parks Associates. The international research firm is hosting the pre-show workshop Monetizing Connectivity in the Home on June 2, 2009, at CONNECTIONS™ , to analyze...
Primetime anytime services will help providers gain and retain subscribers -- Broadband households in Europe and the U.S. consistently rank primetime anytime VoD services as the most valuable service out of all TV 2.0 offerings, according to Parks Associates’ new report Television Services: The Global Outlook. The international research firm says that primetime anytime services, which allow viewers to watch a show on-demand on their TV regardless of its original air date, will...
First, there was the Embarq eGo™ . Then, the AT&T HomeManager™. Then, Verizon's One . Now, Comcast looks to be rolling out an Internet-enhanced phone system . As I posted back in September, this makes for some interesting times with the service providers and the new customer premise equipment they're launching.
by | Apr. 9, 2009
Tags: home network
Time Warner Cable will be using Motorola's tru2way™ software to deploy a multi-room DVR solution. The Follow Me TV solution will enable subscribers to access, share and place shift video recordings throughout the home. Time Warner Cable aims to bring the solution to market later this year, to become the first cable company to deploy a multi-room DVR solution in a tru2way environment.
by | Apr. 2, 2009
Tags: home network, multiscreen, set top
CTAM just did a study and found that - despite the economic conditions - most people won't cut their cable cord anytime soon. We had posted similar findings in December.
by | Mar. 28, 2009
Tags: cord cutting, home network

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