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Monday, May 18, 2015

Piksel: Value-based Analytics Will Create Value by Helping Deliver Relevant Content to the Consumers

Jody Stark, SVP, Global Commercial Strategy at Piksel, discusses business models and methods for advancing video viewing experiences for consumers:

What is the most important next step to engage consumers in smart home solutions, connected entertainment services, and/or value-added services like tech support and connected health?

As the range of content available online grows exponentially, it is becoming more important than ever that we understand users’ preferences, and put them to good use. Only by understanding our audience can we provide them with the best viewing experiences, and in turn give consumers the incentive to invest in more connected entertainment services.

Many aggregators, distributors and content owners may be addicted to consuming the data generated by the services they run, but they aren’t successfully turning that data into knowledge that can enhance their offering and customer experience.

Where value can truly be derived is in delivering content that is relevant to what the user is doing at the time or place or device they’re using. We call this value-based analytics – that is, creating actionable intelligence about a user, their behavior and their preferences.

What is the biggest challenge your company faces in 2015?

Internet television services are launching at an astounding rate, and at Piksel we help to plan, build and manage the process of going ‘over the top’. However, the nature of OTT means that TV is no longer the domain of traditional media companies, and we’re seeing a wave of innovative new companies pop up to take advantage of this distribution method.

Our major challenge is making sure that companies of all types are equipped for venturing into online video – including companies which have until now not entered into the media environment (such as telcos or ISPs). This means making sure that we have a complete portfolio of business services to cater to different companies within the media space, which all have unique business models, assets and objectives.

What is the biggest driver for the connected consumer market?

It goes without saying that the rise of mobile devices and consumer desire for on-the-go viewing have had a profound effect on how people consume content.

However, we have seen that the rapid rise of connected devices on a global scale has created several challenges for consumers. Finding the right content at the right time, regardless of which device is being used, can be a complex and frustrating process.

We think that services that take the pain out of content discovery are becoming important in driving the connected consumer market. People are looking for more intelligent and more personalized services which can save them time and energy when it comes to finding the entertainment they want. In time, we expect to see people naturally gravitating to services which offer the right content choices for them throughout the day, be it at home on the TV, on the way to work on a mobile, or at work on a desktop.

What are the most important initiatives your company is taking in 2015?

At Piksel our innovation team is constantly developing new ideas and technologies to advance video viewing experiences. We very recently launched Piksel Voyage, a disruptive new approach to travel and transit entertainment. Piksel Voyage allows transport providers to move beyond the usual passenger entertainment model, making their video content viewable on customers’ personal devices, resulting in better consumer experiences and cost savings for businesses.

By leveraging the advantages of internet streaming and embracing the popularity of mobile viewing, Piksel Voyage is bringing the travel industry into a more profitable and flexible era.

Describe your vision for the smart home and entertainment markets in 2020.

The moving image, just as it has become the dominant form of entertainment, will be the dominant content type online. The number of screens is going to increase exponentially over the next few years as will the amount of content, as people find it easier to produce videos and get them online. At the same time, the nature of content will change with a greater range of short form content on numerous screens feeding our ever shortening attention spans.

Advertising will similarly be transformed, as the static billboard phases-out in order to deliver video to a whole range of different screen sizes and screen purposes. Personalization will play a big role too, as ad screens begin to personalize elements of their content based on the people showing interest in the highlighted product.

Jody Stark will be presenting on the panel “Multichannel Networks and Emerging Content Alternatives” on Wednesday, May 20, at 4:30 PM during CONNECTIONS™ in San Francisco, CA. Other companies on the panel include Gracenote and Ooyala.

For more information on CONNECTIONS™ speakers, sessions, or topics, visit www.connectionsus.com. Register to attend today!

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