Parks Associates Upcoming Events

Thank you for your interest in speaking at Parks Associates' Events in 2022. Complete the following form to submit your speaking proposals for multiple events.

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Mar 24 - Telehealth Use and Growth
Mar 24 - Expanding Virtual Care Models
Jun 16 - Air Quality in the Home
Jun 16 - Smart Home Platforms: Caretaker and Senior Services
Oct 6 - Integrating tech and services to Empower Seniors
Oct 6 - From Hospital to Home
I am interested in speaking at the in-person Connected Health Summit event in September 2022.
April 7 - Expanding Adoption: Smart Thermostats and Utility Partnerships
April 7 - Security and Energy Services: Expanding Value
June 30 - Data and Analytics: Driving Usage and Savings
June 30 - Smart Apartments and Energy Platforms
August 4 - Electric Vehicles - Breaking Barriers: Infrastructure and Charging Stations
August 4 - EV Growth and Outlook
November 17 - DER: Solar and Storage
November 17 - Investing in the Future: New Areas of Growth
I am interested in speaking at the in-person Smart Energy Summit event in February 2022.
Mar 31 Video Distribution Strategies - Shifting Content Agreements: Engaging the Consumer
Mar 31 Video Distribution Strategies - The Role of Sports in Video Choices
May 5 OTT Churn: Marketing and Retention Strategies - Role of the Smart TV in Driving Viewers
May 5 OTT Churn: Marketing and Retention Strategies - Consumer Engagement: Maintaining and Growing Customers
Jul 21 Personalization and The New Video Viewer - New Video Experiences: Live & Social & Interactive
Jul 21 Personalization and The New Video Viewer - Building Loyalty through Content
Sep 22 Digital Piracy and Distribution - Tech to Protect
Sep 22 Digital Piracy and Distribution - Provider Concerns: Losing Millions or Gaining Eyeballs?
I am interested in speaking at the in-person Future of Video event in December 2022.
Apr 14 - Expanding the Role of the Home Network: Wi-Fi and Value Added Services
Apr 14 - Expanding the Role of the Home Network: Privacy and Security
Aug 18 - State of the Home Security Market: Hybrid Business Models
Aug 18 - State of the Home Security Market: Monitoring Services
Oct 20 - Broadband Services and MDUs
Oct 20 - Smart Home Strategies: Transition to Services
Nov 10 - Tech Innovation and New Partnerships: AI and Video Analytics
Nov 10 - Tech Innovation and New Partnerships: Hardware as a Service
I am interested in speaking at the in-person CONNECTIONS event in May 2022.
Please contact me about sponsorship opportunities.

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