Content, Connected CE, and the Smart Home: 2014 Trends

Companies in the connected home space will have unprecedented opportunities in 2014 to expand the capabilities of their solutions. The upcoming 2014 International CES will feature a variety of products and announcements for new connected offerings that have implications across multiple industry categories, while new tools in data analytics are opening new channels in personalization, control, and targeted advertising for a variety of industries:

  • Entertainment and Access Services
  • Mobile Services and Devices
  • Controls, Energy, and Smart Home Services
  • Tech Support
  • Digital Health
  • The App Ecosystem

Parks Associates has followed the trajectory of the connected home for nearly three decades. In this webcast, Parks Associates analysts discuss the key factors that will drive the connected home market in 2014 and influence the design, deployment, and success of the products and services vying for space in this ecosystem.

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