"smart home" articles

Parks Associates’ research reveals 88% of US households currently have some type of broadband service. Consumers’ dependency on good, reliable, and speedy broadband service cannot be overstated. Broadband access has become an essential element in enhancing people’s lives throughout the globe. Wi-Fi challenges in the typical home are many. Cybersecurity threats, mainly hacking, have become commonplace and are often not identified until a breach occurs. Once restricted...
by Parks Associates | Mar. 5, 2022
Tags: broadband, smart home
The connected home market is ripe with opportunity. Consumers now have an average of 15 connected devices in their homes, and 37% of US broadband households own at least one smart home device. Smart home, connected health, and connected entertainment products provide an increased level of convenience for consumers through home automation and home security applications, energy management and energy efficiency services, new video distribution options through various...
by Elizabeth Parks | Mar. 3, 2022
Tags: broadband, home safety, smart home
Parks Associates’ Smart Energy Summit is excited to announce Zen Ecosystems as a sponsor of the upcoming event. Zen Ecosystems provides energy management solutions to businesses and consumers. Our Zen HQ platform integrates award-winning smart Zen Thermostats with an intuitive software platform that allows consumers and multi-site businesses to take control of energy costs. With such features as remote user lockouts, HVAC scheduling, smart demand management and lighting...
Parks Associates’ Smart Energy Summit is excited to announce SmartThings as a sponsor of the upcoming event. SmartThings is the premier technology enabling connected living and driving the future of IoT. Its open platform already supports thousands of devices across hundreds of brands and offers endless possibilities to innovators and developers seeking seamless connectivity in a vast IoT ecosystem. The company is committed to bringing simple, trusted smart...
Parks Associates has been tracking the residential security markets since the late 1980s. Security and home systems have been established for decades in specific consumer segments, but now connectivity has created new opportunities. For the security market, market factors are creating new dynamics and a new structure for smart home and home security players: 1. Affordability 2. Commoditization vs. Differentiation 3. Consolidation / Partnerships 4....
by Elizabeth Parks | Feb. 20, 2022
Tags: home safety, smart home
Parks Associates hosted our opening virtual session of the 26th annual CONNECTIONS Conference, featuring discussions around the state of the smart home. It was so great to hear from so many industry leaders about the current state of the market and wanted to share some of Parks Associates research insights from our ongoing research work on the role of partnerships, interoperability, and smart home platforms. For almost 40 years, we have been studying the impact of computing and...
by Elizabeth Parks | Feb. 16, 2022
Tags: CONNECTIONS, privacy, smart home
At Design & Construction Week, Parks Associates—in collaboration with LG Electronics—recently led industry executives in discussions on consumer attitudes and behaviors towards new smart home technologies and connected devices. Here are insights from Sein Veit, VP, Product Management, GE Lighting, who participated in the panel, “ Design for Modern Living: Connectivity Driving New Trends. ” How do consumers view technology now versus before the Pandemic? During...
Utilities are in a unique position as their customers span multi-generations, income and education segments, renters, homeowners, and individuals, in addition to families. In traditional, non-retail markets, which represent the majority of households, their relationship is long-term. They are a trusted advisor in their communities even though many consumers only interact with their utility when moving to a new residence, paying a monthly bill or when an outage occurs.  ...
by Elizabeth Parks | Feb. 14, 2022
Tags: energy, smart grid, smart home

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