"smart home" articles

Parks Associates  continues its 25th annual  CONNECTIONS:The Premier Connected Home Conference  with a session on May 25,  State of the Smart Home , and  Pro-Installers and Home Technologies .  Mark Owen Burson , VP, Marketing & Product Management, Nice , is featured as the Executive Spotlight during the session,  Pro-Installers and Home Technologies , where he and  Jennifer Kent, Vice President, Research, Parks Associates , will discuss the...
by Parks Associates | Apr. 21, 2021
Tags: CONNECTIONS, COVID-19, smart home
Parks Associates' twelfth annual  Smart Energy Summit: Engaging the Consumer  virtual series continues with the upcoming session  MDUs: Leveraging Proptech for Smart Energy Management  on April 28 from 12:30 PM to 2:45 PM CST. Industry leaders will address energy management solutions adopted in the MDU and multifamily environment, including new builds and retrofit, and successful strategies and partnerships in deploying and marketing these solutions. Register...
Authors: Jennifer Kent, Avni Mithal It’s no secret that fragmentation plagues the smart home . Due to an incredibly diverse ecosystem of products, plus numerous competing communication protocols, seamless device-to-device interaction is difficult to achieve. For instance, 40% of smart home device owners who have had technical problems with a smart home device report having difficulty getting the device to interact with other devices in their home. Device-to-device integration...
  NVIDIA is currently holding its GPU Tech Conference 2021, featuring over 1,500 sessions on AI innovations and applications. The keynote yesterday celebrated company achievements as CEO Jensen Huang describes NVIDIA’s work "bringing AI from computer science to computer products:” NVIDA GPUs developed for gaming now are also being used for modeling major infrastructure and engineering projects NVIDA DGX technology is used in AI research...
by Chris White | Apr. 13, 2021
Tags: industry event, smart home
  Consumers want smart home products that are easy to set up, communicate reliably, and are secure. Now, product manufacturers and service providers are facing a variety of design and strategy decisions to achieve superior user experience.  Selecting the best communication protocols for the job is one of the most impactful decisions solution providers make, as they evaluate the tradeoffs in cost, range, battery life, ecosystem maturity, and data security...
by Parks Associates | Apr. 8, 2021
Tags: energy, europe, smart home
Parks Associates will continue to host the Connected Health Summit virtual series on April 14 with sessions, Leveraging the Smart Home for a Healthy Home , and Seniors and Caretakers: Serving a Massive Population at Home.  Industry leaders will address how new consumer preferences will increase the value proposition of smart home and wellness tech among consumers, and the implications for product manufacturers, service providers, home builders, and MDU property managers, as...
Parks Associates estimates that across the US, 15 million households are currently mobile-only – which means that household members have mobile data plans but do not have a home internet subscription. Of this 15 million, 12 million were at one point fixed broadband subscribers. That is, for one reason or another, they cancelled their home broadband service. Some of the most common reasons are included in the chart below:     2020 and its...
by Kristen Hanich | Mar. 15, 2021
Tags: broadband, mobile, smart home
OSSIACO , a leader in the smart home energy market, will be a Gold sponsor for Parks Associates' Smart Energy Summit this year. Sitting at the nexus of residential solar power, electric vehicle charging, the smart home and customer-centric utilities, OSSIACO leverages its breakthroughs in power electronics to develop elegant smart home appliances that let you power your life on your terms. The dcbel™ family of EVSE products, entirely designed and manufactured by OSSIACO, are the...

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