« ParksAssociates.com Hosted by Parks Associates

Sponsorship Opportunities

CONNECTIONS™ Europe sponsors include the companies leading the development and deployment of new solutions to enhance the digital lifestyle.

Sponsoring  CONNECTIONS™ Europe provides your company with visibility and brand recognition among a key constituency of leaders in digital living.

The CONNECTIONS™ Europe offers the best of both worlds, with excellent visibility in front of large audiences of service providers and consumer electronics manufacturers, while maintaining the intimate environment perfect for direct networking opportunities with key marketing executives.

  • Demonstrate your company’s product or service
  • Attend a key research event
  • Advance strategic thinking among a set of international players
  • Influence major companies active in digital services and equipment
  • Present your competitive advantages to executives in attendance

Sponsorship Levels & Pricing

Advisory Sponsor  - $6,500

  • Five full-conference passes
  • Tabletop in conference room (limited availability)
  • Inclusion of company collateral in Attendee Materials (Electronic Format)
  • Banner Ad placement (125x125 and 468x60) on the CONNECTIONS™ Industry Insights blog (on site until event is over)
  • Opportunity to submit materials for the CONNECTIONS™ Industry Insights blog
  • Promotion through Parks Associates’ social networking outlets: Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn

Registration Sponsor - $9,000

  • Exclusive: Recognition as exclusive registration sponsor in on-site and pre-event marketing
  • Six full-conference passes
  • Tabletop in conference room (limited availability)
  • Company logo on all marketing materials
  • Inclusion of company collateral in Attendee Materials (Electronic Format)
  • Banner Ad placement (125x125 and 468x60) on the CONNECTIONS™ Industry Insights blog (on site until event is over)
  • Opportunity to submit materials for the CONNECTIONS™ Industry Insights blog
  • Promotion through Parks Associates’ social networking outlets: Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn

Break/Breakfast Sponsor - $3,500

  • Three full-conference passes
  • Logo recognition as exclusive sponsor of one of the breaks or breakfasts in on-site and pre-event marketing
  • Introduction by Moderator as break/breakfast sponsor
  • Inclusion of company collateral in Attendee Materials (Electronic Format)
  • Banner Ad placement (125x125 and 468x60) on the CONNECTIONS™ Industry Insights blog (on site until event is over)
  • Opportunity to submit materials for the CONNECTIONS™ Industry Insights blog
  • Promotion through Parks Associates’ social networking outlets: Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn

Lunch Sponsor - $7,500

  • Exclusive: Recognition as exclusive lunch sponsor in on-site and pre-event marketing
  • Five full-conference passes
  • Tabletop in conference room (limited availability)
  • Company logo on all marketing materials
  • Inclusion of company collateral in Attendee Materials (Electronic Format)
  • Banner Ad placement (125x125 and 468x60) on the CONNECTIONS™ Industry Insights blog (on site until event is over)
  • Opportunity to submit materials for the CONNECTIONS™ Industry Insights blog
  • Promotion through Parks Associates’ social networking outlets: Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn

Reception Sponsor - $7,500

  • Exclusive: Recognition as exclusive sponsor of Reception in on-site and pre-event marketing
  • Five full-conference passes
  • Tabletop in conference room (limited availability)
  • Company logo on all marketing materials
  • Inclusion of company collateral in Attendee Materials (Electronic Format)
  • Banner Ad placement (125x125 and 468x60) on the CONNECTIONS™ Industry Insights blog (on site until event is over)
  • Opportunity to submit materials for the CONNECTIONS™ Industry Insights blog
  • Promotion through Parks Associates’ social networking outlets: Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn

Contact Parks Associates for more Sponsorship Information.