Retailers, service providers, and device manufacturers are expanding the market of technology solutions that help seniors live safely and well in their homes. Mobile emergency response monitoring, daily activity monitoring, remote video-based communication and caregiving, and voice-first technologies addressing social isolation are a few examples of these next-generation products. The research analyzes the existing and anticipated independent living needs among people ages 50 and older, as well as their family caregivers. It explores consumers’ motivation and perception about aging, quantifies current use of technologies to aid independent living today, and tests interest and likelihood to buy selected solutions/services, including those enabled by smart home technologies and products.

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Publish Date: 3Q 2019

Slides: 78

Authored By:
Jennifer Kent - Vice President, Research
Lindsay Gafford - Research Analyst

© September 2019 Parks Associates
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Printed in the United States of America. 

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