Senior Living: Technology for Safety and Independence

Retailers, service providers, and device manufacturers are expanding the market of technology solutions that help seniors live safely and well in their homes. The research analyzes the existing and anticipated independent living needs among people ages 65 and older, as well as their family caregivers. It explores seniors’ use of technology, attitudes towards and use of PERS and telehealth solutions, and tests interest and likelihood to buy selected solutions and services, including those enabled by smart home technologies and products.

Key questions addressed:

  1. What is the market for family caregiving solutions?
  2. What are the drivers and barriers of solution adoption?
  3. Which channels do consumers most prefer acquiring solutions from?
  4. What features and functionalities do family caregivers look for in solutions?
  5. How does the independent seniors market differ from the family caregiver market?
  6. How are seniors approaching the telehealth and connected health device markets?

Price: $12,000.00

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Survey Methodology and Definitions

Key Terms and Definitions

Executive Summary

Family Caregiver Reported Penetration of Independent Living Solutions

Likelihood of Buying or Hiring Independent Living Solutions

Preferred Purchase Channel by Technology Adoption Segment

Top Features of Independent Living Solutions by Loved One’s Residence Type

Market Sizing

Market Size of Family Caregivers

Family Caregiver Age Distribution

Family Caregiver New Technology Adoption

Residence Type of Loved One

Loved One’s Independence

Level of Independence by Residence Type

Loved One’s Independent Living by Seniors’ Age Group

Actions Taken to Protect Seniors by Family Caregivers

Actions Taken to Protect Seniors by Loved One’s Independent Living

Adoption of Family Caregiver Solutions

Family Caregiver Reported Penetration of Independent Living Solutions

Overlap in Family Caregiver Solutions Adoption

High Familiarity with Independent Living Solutions

Familiarity Among Those Age 50+

Use of Independent Living Solutions by Loved One’s Independent Level

Residence Type of Independent Living Solution Recipient

Use of Senior Care Professional Services

User Experience and Preferences

Satisfaction with Independent Living Solutions

Technical/Other Issues Encountered with Independent Living Solutions

Preferred Set-Up and Support

Valuable Features of Independent Living Solutions: Safety Features, Health Features, Communication & Engagement Features, Home Living Features

Valuable Features of Independent Living Solutions by Loved One’s Residence Type

Buyer Demand and Purchase Channels

Likelihood of Buying or Hiring Independent Living Solutions

Likelihood of Buying Solutions by Age of Loved One

Preferred Devices Added in DIY Packages

Top 10 Preferred Devices Added in DIY Packages by Technology Segment

Top 10 Preferred Devices Added in DIY Packages by Age of Loved One

Purchase Channel Among Current Independent Living Solutions Adopters

Preferred Future Purchase Channel Among Independent Living Solution Intenders

Preferred Purchase Channel for Independent Living Solutions

Preferred Purchase Channel by Technology Adoption Segment

Barriers to Independent Living Solution Adoption Among Family Caregivers

Independent Seniors Market

High Familiarity with Independent Living Solutions Among Seniors’ Age Group

Personal Use of Independent Living Solutions

Satisfaction with Independent Living Solution

Problems Experienced with Independent Living Solution Personal Use

Consideration for Independent Living Solutions Among Seniors

Preferred Set Up and Support for Independent Living Solutions

Independent Living System Preferred Purchase Channels

Preferred Channels Among Home Security System Owner

Age Group Differences in Preference

Preferred Provider by Independent Living Solutions

Telehealth Use and Preferences

High Familiarity with Telehealth/Virtual Visit Services

Telehealth Users Among Seniors

Use of Telehealth Modalities Among Seniors

Telehealth Service Channels Among Seniors

Appeal of Telehealth Capabilities Among Seniors

Impact of Telehealth Capabilities on Choice of Care Provider

Reason for Using Telehealth Among Seniors

Reasons for Seeking Care via Telehealth Services Among Seniors

Consumer Perception of Telehealth Service Quality Among Seniors

Preferred Telehealth Device Platform by Seniors

Appealing Care Type via Telehealth Services Among Seniors

Barriers to Telehealth Use Among Seniors

Connected Health and PERS Adoption and Use

Connected Health/Medical Device Adoption Among Seniors

Wearables Brand Adoption Among Seniors

Willingness to Pay for Health-Related Wearable Features Among Caregivers

Willingness to Pay for Health-Related Wearable Features Among Seniors


Publish Date: 3Q 2022

Slides: 70

Authored By:
Kristen Hanich - Director of Research

Published by Parks Associates

© 2022 Parks Associates | Addison, Texas 75001

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