"coronavirus" articles

The outbreak of COVID-19 and subsequent shelter-in-place mandates by government officials in many states have led to a dramatic shift in how consumers live and conduct business, including an increase in adoption and use of technology. Social distancing guidelines dictate that work, education, and entertainment activities are all centered on the home. In addition, brick-and-mortar retail store shopping is severely restricted, and consumers must find other ways to attain services that...
by Patrice Samuels | Apr. 9, 2020
Tags: coronavirus, COVID-19, Internet of Things, tech support
The residential security industry has made significant efforts to expand the market beyond the roughly 30% of broadband households that have a security system. The entrance of tech giants and MSOs raises awareness of security solutions; new business models emerged as a result of changing consumer preferences; and technology advancements such as video analytics, audio analytics, and voice control are improving the user experience. As a result, the security industry is finally able to reap...
by Dina Abdelrazik | Apr. 9, 2020
Tags: coronavirus, COVID-19, home safety, security
The COVID-19 crisis has fundamentally impacted the daily operations and strategies of companies across all business verticals and the lifestyles and routines of consumers. The dynamic changes currently developing in the OTT video space, for both the industry and consumer side alike, are illustrative of the profound effect the crisis is having on daily life. Parks Associates monitors and analyzes the OTT video space for our OTT Video Market Tracker , along with multiple other...
by Steve Nason | Apr. 8, 2020
Tags: coronavirus, COVID-19, OTT

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