A better connected health system will drive down the cost of healthcare: Insights from Pokitdok

by Parks Associates | Aug. 10, 2016

Before speaking at the 2016 Connected Health Summit in San Diego, Leslie Butcher, Sr. Director of Business Development at PokitDok, shares her insight on several industry trends:

What's new in 2016 that keeps you upbeat/optimistic about the connected health market?

Healthcare historically has been very slow to adopt connected technology however I am extremely excited to see that the connected health market is finally maturing. We are seeing the progress; a better connected health system will drive down the cost of healthcare, and give patients a better quality of life.

What's the most effective strategy/approach you have seen that engages consumers for health and wellness behavioral changes?

We are seeing the large organizations that are encouraging their employees to live a healthier life, with that, they are offering connected devices for them to use as an incentive, so it drives cost out of their organization, while presenting and challenging healthier, happier employees.

What do you anticipate to happen in 2017-2018 that would have the biggest impact on the connected health market?

Penalties are going to continue to rise, hospitals and systems will be affected by readmission penalties. This will drive the way they focus on their discharge and after care programs. Connected devices will be a requirement to minimize the financial impact.


Leslie will participate on the panel session "Integrated Technology and Data Platforms to Enable Better Care" on August 31 at 3:00pm. Other speakers on the panel include Humetrix, Lumiata, Sentrian, and Tactio Health Group.

For more information on the event and how your company can become involved, visit www.connectedhealthsummit.com.

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