Best Buy:

by | Nov. 12, 2008

Best Buy reported today that falling consumer spending, driven by the recent turmoil in the financial markets and other macro economic factors, has resulted in lower-than-expected revenue for the consumer electronics retailer. The uncertainty regarding future consumer spending has limited the company's ability to project revenue for the critical holiday shopping season and the balance of the fiscal year. Given both the change in economic environment and the significance of the holiday shopping season to the company's annual earnings, Best Buy is lowering its guidance for the fiscal year and widening its range for potential revenue and earnings.

Best Buy has altered its guidance for the remainder of its fiscal 2009. With a 7.6% decline in same store sales in fiscal October, the company projects declines of anywhere from 5-15% through February 2009.

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  • Randy L wrote

    Best Buy has been facing financial trouble as market continuously slumping. This biggest customer electronics store on the planet, is combating income losses by raising its online existence for the holiday season. The electronics giant also intends to cut short-term employing by half. The move is disappointing for the unemployed, dreaming about seasonal work. In the meantime, the retailer is spending unparalleled quantity on its lobbying efforts. Article resource: Best Buy spends more and hires fewer as the holiday season approaches.

    on Mon Oct 3 09:20:35 2011

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