CentraCare: Patients are more likely to engage if the process is simple

by Parks Associates | Aug. 30, 2016

Kelly Macken-Marble, VP, Ambulatory Care at CentraCare Health, shares several thoughts on the future of connected healthcare before joining the 2016 Connected Health Summit:

What's new in 2016 that keeps you upbeat/optimistic about the connected health market?

Patients and the larger community are excited about using the new engagement tools being launched in the healthcare market. Tools that are not new in other businesses but are new in healthcare are being adopted and increasing in utilization.

What's the most effective strategy/approach you have seen that engages consumers for health and wellness behavioral changes?

Making access to care easy if first on the list….our patients are more likely to engage if we make it simple and with multiple ways for them to engage with us. A one size fits all approach won’t work in today’s consumer driven marketplace. 

What do you anticipate to happen in 2017-2018 that would have the biggest impact on the connected health market?

Additional growth and utilization in tele-health options, including tele health kiosks and more in the way of ‘primary care at home’ offerings.  


Kelly will be part of the fire-side chat taking place on August 31, 2016, at 11:45am. 

For more information on this year's speakers, sponsors, or agenda, visit www.connectedhealthsummit.com.

Next: Insights from GreatCall: The best approach to engage consumers is staying practical and tangible
Previous: Samsung: We will see an increasing number of strategic partnerships among health and tech players


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