Changing Profile of the PC Gamer

by Parks Associates | Oct. 24, 2012

The profile of the average PC gamer has changed substantially in the past few years. Parks Associates has identified six different segments of gamers, defined as consumers who play one or more hours per month gaming on any platform

  • Power Gamers, with strong self motivation and intrinsic interest in games, spend significant amounts of time playing games on all gaming devices.
  • Social Gamers, who are moderately motivated in playing games and rarely initiate gaming sessions, spend significant amounts of time gaming but mostly in the company of other people.
  • Leisure Gamers, moderately motivated, play games mainly to unwind, relax, and kill time.
  • Dormant Gamers have the least leisure time, spend little time gaming, but really enjoy playing games.
  • Incidental Gamers have low motivation and interest in games, play games to kill free time, and mostly focus on a couple of genres .
  • Occasional gamers are the segment with the lowest motivation and interest in video games and are those who spend the least number of hours gaming.

In particular, occasional gamers have increased from 25% to 32% of the gaming population. Overall, core gamers have remained stable as a percentage of total gamers, for example, shows that the percentage of gamers who play MMORPGs has not grown as a share of the market in the past three years. In parallel to the growth of casual genres, more females play games than ever before. In particular, among gamers who play social games females outnumber males.

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Tags: gaming

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