Consumers Want Tech that Delivers Convenience Now More than Ever: Insights from GE Lighting

by Parks Associates | Feb. 15, 2022

At Design & Construction Week, Parks Associates—in collaboration with LG Electronics—recently led industry executives in discussions on consumer attitudes and behaviors towards new smart home technologies and connected devices. Here are insights from Sein Veit, VP, Product Management, GE Lighting, who participated in the panel, “Design for Modern Living: Connectivity Driving New Trends.

How do consumers view technology now versus before the Pandemic?

During the pandemic we’ve all spent more time in our homes and, in addition to the traditional ways we have used our homes, they became classrooms, offices, and/or family entertainment spaces. As a result, parents and families felt a great sense of overwhelm that they’re still experiencing today. For example, parents trying to work and help their children with virtual classes at the same time became commonplace and a source of stress. These situations created demand for tech that can deliver more and has the flexibility to work in home, office, and classroom spaces. Tech that delivers convenience, makes life easier and delivers peace of mind is now valued more than ever before. I think we’re finding that as consumers, something that annoyed us when we used our home office five hours a week could be ignored. However, when we use it 60 hours a week it has to be addressed and smart tech, as long as it is simple, can provide a solution.

Can you comment on subscription-based services and the future of connectivity for consumers?

Subscription based services give consumers the chance to get more value from their smart devices at a cost that consumers can afford and/or are willing to pay for added functionality. Typically, these services are offered in tiers as good, better, best options that give consumers access to features such as cloud, AI and more. We think this is a great model for both manufacturers looking for new revenue streams and for consumers who like to be able to choose and tailor the functionality of their devices based on the way they live.

What is your company’s vision for the consumer at home in 2025? 2030?

Our vision is that by 2030 every electronic device in the home will have some type of smart functionality. This will further the consumer desire for a simpler integrated ecosystem approach that creates value where the sum of the parts is greater than each individual device. We also believe that consumer concerns about privacy will continue to grow as more and more voice- controlled devices are rolled out. For these reasons, we launched the CES award-winning Cync, powered by Savant app that gives users the ability to control all their Cync devices from a single app. We’re working to grow our whole home DIY network of Cync smart devices that work seamlessly together to create the most convenient, safe and secure, and comfortable home. We’re already well on our way with a broad and deep portfolio of Cync lamps and strips, light and fan switches, smart plugs, indoor/outdoor cameras, a thermostat, and more. We’re launching more than 10 new products in the first half of this year alone and we’ll continue to innovate to bring bold new smart solutions to consumers at retail.

Join us for the 26th annual CONNECTIONS™: The Premier Connected Home Conference to hear more insights on adoption of smart home technologies and connected devices.

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