Consumers Will Continue to Pay for Wearables and Other Services to Stay Healthy: Insights from

by Parks Associates | Jan. 18, 2022

Parks Associates’ Connected Health Summit: Consumer Engagement and Innovation returns for the first session of 2022, Health and Home: State of the Market, on Thursday, January 20, from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM CT. Steve Chazin, Vice President of Products,, will be featured as in interactive panel member at 11:15 AM CT, where he and other major executives will address the increased role that connected devices and services play for healthcare for consumers at home. Prior to the session, Steve provided insights on what consumer healthcare trends will look like post-pandemic.

Will shifts in consumer behaviors related to fitness, wellness, chronic care management, and care for senior populations outlast the COVID-19 crisis?

Wearables and services that consumers gladly pay for to stay healthy. Apple Watch with an Apple Fitness + subscription, a Whoop band, an Amazon Halo, even an EightSleep mattress topper provide insights and suggestions for people to get or stay healthy. Google’s Fitbit Charge 5, which analyzes a user's exertion levels, heart rate variation, and sleep can recommend whether a consumer should do a challenging workout or something gentler like yoga. None of these tools existed five years ago, and their impact on the entire health industry is just now being felt. Contrast this to expensive medical devices prescribed by doctors only after you’ve fallen ill, and the newfound ability for consumers to (finally) take control of their own health.

To join us for this Connected Health Summit session and future sessions, please register here

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