CSS Corp Showcases New Business Strategy

by Patrice Samuels | Mar. 24, 2017

CSS Corp recently hosted an influencer day in Dallas, where it showcased its business focus. CSS Corp, like many other support companies, is rethinking its business strategy in the wake of the IoT. A central aspect of the company’s focus is not trying to be everything to everyone. Instead, the company’s business strategy is centered on customer experience, revenue creation, specialization, and operational efficiency for its customers.

Today, when brands talk about navigating technical support in the era of IoT, one of the most baffling questions that arise is, Who is going to own support problems? This question arises from the fact that IoT device functions are enabled by connectivity and regular communication among devices of different brands and types. A drawback from this is that, when problems occur, a lot more effort is required to identify their sources and resolve them. Another question IoT players often ask is, How will we address the rising cost of support in this era of hyper-connectivity?

CSS Corp has designed its customer support solution to address these problems. The primary components of the platform are as follows:

Self-healing – By studying usage patterns and machine learning, their automation platform is able to preempt user behavior and enable self-healing for common device problems.

Self-service – The company also utilizes artificial intelligence technology to facilitate a number of self-service options for common problems.

Service touchpoints – When self-healing and self-service are insufficient to resolve consumer issues, the platform provides a broad array of touchpoints through which consumers can get support. These include mobile and desktop apps. The company perceives that the depth and breadth of the technologies behind their support platform can be leveraged to support a wide range of problems with a broad range of devices.

Automation will be a key strategy for IoT support in order to reduce contact with call centers and other more costly support resources. Automation technologies, such as self-healing, minimize the problems consumers encounter and create better overall customer experiences.

With IoT, new devices are constantly being introduced to consumers. Brands that have the capability to efficiently address complex issues with a wide array of devices will stand out above others brands, improve their customers’ experiences, and play a role in driving growth in smart home and other IoT industries. These advantages are in line with CSS Corp’s objectives. Rather than just providing support, the company wants to focus on Customer Experience Management (CEM) and ultimately help their partners with consulting, customer acquisition, customer service, premium technical support, and general account management. 

Further Reading:

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