Customers are the most important players for European smart home industry: Insights from Ageas UK

by Parks Associates | Oct. 14, 2016

Before attending CONNECTIONS™Europe in Amsterdam, Leigh Calton, Head of R&D at Ageas UK, answered several industry questions:

Where do you feel the largest opportunity is for the smart home industry in Europe?

Creating new products and services that consumers value

What challenges does Europe face with rolling out new smart home products and services?

Gaining consumer trust over data access, compatibility of devices, and creating relevant products and services based around real customer needs

How will companies leverage the growth in the market in the next 12 months?

We expect there to be lots of proof of concepts and beta tests

Who are the most important players for the European Smart Home industry?

The customer!

Do you believe consumers are skeptical about the value of smart home products?

Skeptical is not the right word, but I would suggest they are largely unaware of what products exist

What is the biggest obstacle to the adoption of products?

Creating a product or service that doesn’t meet customer demand

We are looking forward to hearing you present, but what are you most looking forward to about the show this year?

Networking and learning what different industries are doing

Calton will speak on the session “IoT Impact on Home Services and Insurance” alongside speakers from, Swiss Re, ROC-Connect, and IBM UK.

For more information on CONNECTIONS™ Europe and how your company can become involved, visit

Next: Bluetooth SIG: Consumers demand technology that is fast, easy to use, and convenient
Previous: Qorvo: Fragmentation is key challenge to Europe rolling out new smart home products and services


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