Insurance companies could be dark horse in European smart home industry: Insights from ROC-Connect

by Parks Associates | Oct. 17, 2016

Before attending CONNECTIONS™Europe in Amsterdam, Kevin Meagher, SVP Business Development of ROC-Connect, answered several industry questions:

Where do you feel the largest opportunity is for the smart home industry in Europe?

I believe the larger opportunities are with service providers that want to bundle smart home with their broadband and entertainment. However, as in the U.S., retailers are starting to make a strong push into the market so new opportunities are emerging. However, I think insurance companies could be the dark horse in the race. They have the most to gain from adopting the technology to support their industry but they face significant challenges.

What challenges does Europe face with rolling out new smart home products and services?

European consumers tend to be more sensitive about data and security so there is a natural resistance to the concept of the IoT.

How will companies leverage the growth in the market in the next 12 months?

We have seen a steady buildup in market momentum and we need to be positioned because we think that's going to continue to accelerate. We are positioning new products and services in an effort to leverage this new growth.

We are looking forward to hearing you present, but what are you most looking forward to about the show this year?

Meeting up with everyone in a great city!

Meagher will speak on the session “IoT Impact on Home Services and Insurance” alongside speakers from Ageas UK,, Swiss Re, and IBM UK.

For more information on CONNECTIONS™ Europe and how your company can become involved, visit

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