Internet Video at the TV: More News this Week

by | Oct. 23, 2008

Bringing Internet video directly to the TV via network-connected consumer electronics devices is a big trend that we discussed in our report Internet Video: Direct-to-Consumer Services (Second Edition). I'll be discussing this and other Internet video trends in a Webcast this afternoon, as well. We now have a couple of new news items that reflect this trend.

First, you had to think that this announcement was coming. LG Electronics' BD300 Network Blu-ray Disc Player can connect to Netflix Watch Instantly content. Now, Samsung has announced that it has reached a deal with Netflix has to bring movies from the Internet to television sets through Samsung electronics devices, including new products that also play movies in the high-definition Blu-ray format. Samsung, the big Korean electronics manufacturer, will allow users of two new $400 products, the BD-P2500 and BD-P2550 Blu-ray disc players, to access video through a Netflix Internet video service that currently offers more than 12,000 movies, television shows and other titles. The companies also plan to work on integrating Netflix's Internet service into other electronics products they didn't name.

Also, Jaman, an online provider of international and independent films is now available through TiVo set-top boxes. TiVo will also give users the ability to download Disney films via CinemaNow. A CNET article today covers both announcements

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