It looks like the media industry likes Facebook

by Parks Associates | Jul. 7, 2011

You couldn't go a few minutes at the CONNECTIONS™ conference last week without hearing the buzz phrases:

  • Multi-platform
  • Companion devices
  • Cloud
  • Advertising

Another one that was bantered about was social networking integration - using the power and scale of Facebook to build deeper relationships between media companies and their audiences as well as the use of social networking as a way for media companies to guide consumers to the content that they want. You definitely see the pace of media-Facebook integration accelerating. Below, I've pulled together a rough timeline of major announcements between media players and the social networking site:

It certainly seems to make sense to create tighter linkages between media producers and fans, but I wonder how much work most consumers will want to "open their APIs" to every taste, every show they like, and every marketer even if it means better recommendations? I mean, I'm not about to go tell the world that I like "Covert Affairs" on USA because Piper Perabo is easy on the eyes, now am I? Oh wait...I guess I just did that.

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