Licensing content research - new data, Aereo/Netflix analyst insight

by Glenn Hower | Apr. 23, 2014

Parks Associates is releasing new research on TV and movie content licensing today - particularly the impact of multiscreen, time-shifting, and the demand for exclusive content.

The report shows:
- Pay-TV penetration remains fairly steady at around 85% of U.S. broadband households.
- OTT video use is increasing on multiple devices, particularly with younger viewers: nearly 40% millenials consider online video the most important source for video content.

Also, analyst Glenn Hower, author of the report, posted the following about Netflix's pricing news on our blog yesterday:
- "Netflix is probably also realizing that continuing to commission original content is really expensive, and contractual increases usually accompany season renewals of episodic content. Netflix has no advertising for which to charge a premium, nor can it renegotiate carriage agreements like a cable networks. The only thing they can really do to offset costs is raise subscription fees."

Press requests can be sent to Holly Sprague at [email protected].

For additional information, see the latest press release here.

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