Life365: The 'triple witching' keeps us upbeat about the connected health market

by Parks Associates | Aug. 22, 2016

Prior to the Connected Health Summit August 30-September 1, 2016, Kent Dicks, CEO of Life365, answers the following industry questions about the future of connected health:

What’s new in 2016 that keeps you upbeat/optimistic about the connected health market?

Connected Health is now moving from Efficacy (last 10 years) to now Scalability in the US. I see a triple witching starting to occur between now and 2018. (14 months away)  

  • Regulatory / Policy (New Fee For Value (FFV) models, Reimbursement, MACRA / MIPS, Meaningful Use 3), bundled payments, plus
  • Technology (Advancement in SaaS platforms, band/watch technology, smart phones / tablets, etc.)
  • Demand from those that are Financing Responsible for the Patient to provide cost effective / lite weight solutions to stay connected to Patients in order for their business models to work.

What’s the most effective strategy/approach you have seen that engages consumers for health and wellness behavioral changes?

Lite touches and data points to “nudge” a person into adherence, supported by Family / Friend caregivers, driven by Engagement Analytics and Incentives, feeding into the backend Clinical workflow. I believe of a Hybrid of many approaches, including using Off the Shelf Sensors to look at Patterns/Trends to give Insights to a patients adherence, instead of using costly devices as the first resort instead of always having to send out tons of equipment of patients when a “Lite Nudge” works to keep them compliant.

What do you anticipate to happen in 2017-2018 that would have the biggest impact on the connected health market?

The Triple Witching:

  • Regulatory / Policy / Payment Models
  • Technology Platforms commonly available / Rollups
  • Demand of those financially responsible needing “Lite” weight solutions to make their models work

Kent will speak on the panel "Everything Disruptive: What Consumers Can Expect from Care Innovators" on September 1, 2016, at 2:30pm. Other speakers on the panel include CirrusMD, TrustCircle, Sensoria, and WEGO Health.

For more information on the 2016 Connected Health Summit, including the agenda and list of speakers, visit

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