Meridian Health Examines the Connected Health Market

by Parks Associates | Sep. 16, 2014

Sandra Elliott, Director, Consumer Technology and Service Development, Meridian Health shares her insights at the Connected Health Summit: Engaging Consumers. Sandra was a member of the Advisory Board for the 2014 event.

What do you feel is the biggest obstacle to growth in digital health services?
Business models that make sense while organizations are transitioning to different care reimbursement models.

What will be the biggest driver for digital health market?
Real-life scalable examples of a) financial benefit to purchasers, b) patients who find real value in using digital health services and technology, and c) providing end-to-end solutions with a one-stop shop mentality

Name the most important player in your industry—the one that will have the largest impact on advancing digital health services for consumers.

What features should health and technology providers focus on to convince consumers to sign up for new services or engage them to change health behaviors/adopt preventive care services?
The value to them as individuals in living their life to the fullest (Value = impact + cost)

What is one key issue around digital health services that people can’t stop talking about?
Reimbursement—balancing non-Medicare payment models with incentives in Medicare-based payment models which are more and more focused on accountability

What is the best model for care collaboration between the technology industry and the healthcare industry to advance the triple aim (cost, access, quality)?
Collaborative development from end to end in a real life world

How ready do you think health industry players are for the dynamic changes (new consumer technologies, better pricing transparency, better access to health records) that will empower consumers to take greater ownership of their own care?
They are not well prepared at all—they see all of the components as elements that are coming down the pipe but they don’t have a clear vision of where they want to be in the future and how those elements (tech, pricing transparency, etc.) can be integrated and planned for in a strategic manner. We are in some ways starting to create more silos within silos... nesting doll effect! 

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