Multi-device Insight with Glenn Lurie

by Parks Associates | Sep. 20, 2011

Glenn Lurie, president of emerging devices, wholesale and partnerships at AT&T Mobility talks about whether consumers are really using 3G to connect their tablets, whether multi-device rate plans are on the horizon, and when we will see more affordable LTE-enabled tablets. Mr. Lurie has talked about multi-device plans for devices before, but isn't sure when they will become a reality. He feels the concept is good, but complex and that it depends a great deal on the carriers, because you have to look at your base and understand where and how you want to deliver.

When asked about 3G connectivity of AT&T's tablets not being activated, or why their cusomers are choosing to use free WiFi to connect, Mr. Lurie feels that not only does AT&T have more tablets on their network than anyone else, but that they've been very successful with the iPad. AT&T is seeing is that if they are fair with rates, customers are not only willing to buy but also to activate, as well.

Currently, LTE chips are significantly more expensive than HSPA or HSPA+, which are very similar in price. This is an advantage for AT&T, because customers have choices. AT&T is building their LTE network, and as they do, their HSPA+ and HSPA modules. will fall back. If AT&T has an LTE tablet, those customers can fall back to HSPA+.

To read the full article, click here.

Tags: retail, tablets

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