Monday, January 23, 2023

Parks: 92% of U.S. Internet Households Use Wi-Fi at Home

New data from Parks Associates finds that even as download speeds increase for U.S. internet households, value-added services and the quality of experience are increasingly more important factors in how subscribers evaluate their high-speed internet service. 

Currently, 92% of U.S. internet households use Wi-Fi at home, and more than a quarter say they value quality of service more than price. Dallas-based Parks is holding a webinar — Managed Services with Exceptional Experiences: How Broadband Providers Win — Jan. 24, 1 p.m. CT (2 p.m. ET, 11 a.m. PT), to examine the ecosystem for broadband services and the role of managed services, including Wi-Fi, advanced support, and privacy protection.

“U.S. households have 16 connected devices on average, and these products rely on an uninterrupted Wi-Fi connection and solid network to deliver on their benefits,” Jennifer Kent, VP of research, said in a statement. “There are also multiple people in the household, each using these products for different reasons and with different expectations, so providing the support to deliver on these expectations is critical to the success of broadband service providers.”

From the article, "Parks: 92% of U.S. Internet Households Use Wi-Fi at Home," ERIK GRUENWEDEL.

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