Broadband Week

Monday, June 18, 2001

Always On: Homeworking Overhaul

Nearly 80 percent of broadband households have at least one telecommuter. That means telecommuters are about twice as likely as the "average" U.S. home to sign up for broadband service, according the Parks Associates study, which also found that broadband households have multiple PCs at three times the national rate. Based on these findings, it's not surprising that more than one-third of broadband homes already have installed some kind of computer network, compared to 4 percent more

Monday, January 08, 2001

Ho Hum Home Networks

Meanwhile, fundamental rules for the home networking "revolution" still are being thrashed out.  (By the way, why is it always a "revolution" to the promoters even though there's no groundswell demanding an overthrow of the existing system - which in this case is a satisfactory standalone environment?)

HANs [Home area networks] may someday play a critical part in the last 10 meters of the digital delivery process.  It's nice to believe the robust predictions, such as Parks Asso more

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