Parks Associates Supports Partners Healthcare's 2009 Connected Health Symposium & Expo

connected health logoParks Associates supports Partners Healthcare's 2009 Connected Health Symposium & Expo from October 21-22 in Boston, Massachusetts.

The Connected Health Symposium asks how information technology -- cell phones, computers, the Internet and other tools -- can help people manage chronic conditions, maintain health and wellness, and age with independence. What’s up for discussion?

Sessions include:
- The Amazing Effects on Health of Personal Social Networks -- and How to Harness Their Power to Help Patients
- Payment Reform, the Role of Information Technology, and the Implications for IT Business Models
- Limits to the Wisdom of Patients and the Wisdom of Crowds? Implications from Behavioral Economics
- Remote Monitoring in 2014: What'll Be Different in Five Years about the Technology, the Data and the Incentives?
- Health Games: All Set to Play?
- Coordinating Care: What’s Really Involved and Who's Really Going to Do It?

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