Patient engagement is moving from interesting to crucial: Insights from Wellpepper

by Parks Associates | Aug. 3, 2016

Prior to participating in the Connected Health Summit, Anne Weiler, Co-founder and CEO of Wellpepper, sat down with us to share her perspective on several trends in the connected health market: 

What's new in 2016 that keeps you upbeat/optimistic about the connected health market?

We are seeing a big shift in 2016 from patient engagement as something that’s interesting to something that’s crucial to deliver on value-based care. The market is real, health systems are able to define requirements, and are now asking how we are better than competitors rather than asking what we do.

What's the most effective strategy/approach you have seen that engages consumers for health and wellness behavioral changes?

People are great motivators of each other, so challenges that help hold people accountable through interaction and engagement with others, are a great approach, as are those that recognize that people are motivated differently. Some people love badges, some people love checking things off, some people love telling others what they have accomplished.

What do you anticipate to happen in 2017-2018 that would have the biggest impact on the connected health market?

As patient-generated data continues to increase, I think we’ll see a lot of insight from broad data sets that lead to more personalization of care. However, this will increasingly happen outside the silos of the traditional medical records.

Anne will speak on the session "From Fee-for-Service to Pay-for-Performance: Success Stories" on August 31, alongside Blue Shield of California and Sentara Healthcare.

For more information about the speakers at this year's conference, visit

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