Quantenna gets a design win with Swisscom and NETGEAR

by | Oct. 20, 2010

The expanded role of wireless networks in a managed video realm (that is, distributed video from a pay-TV provider) has been an area of speculation, but not a whole lot of action. We've seen consumer electronics manufacturers willing to experiment with next-gen wireless solutions in devices such as digital video players (Roku, etc.) and even connected TVs, but we haven't really seen many operators going the wireless route whole-home DVR features or even bridging between a residential gateway and one or more set-top boxes.

Which makes the announcement from Quantenna today a potential harbinger.
Quantenna announced that its full-11n™ 4x4 MIMO 802.11n chipset has been selected by NETGEAR® for a video-bridge solution that Swisscom has used to complete field trials of the first high-definition (HD) video-over-Wi-Fi service.

In 2008, Swisscom began working with Quantenna to define and develop video service-delivery technology that provides whole-home coverage at very high data rates, which is mandatory for services and applications such as HDTV. NETGEAR, whose first video bridge was introduced in January 2008 at CES, joined the partnership in 2009 to deliver a video bridge that uses Quantenna’s Full-11n product to transport multiple HD video streams from residential gateways to multiple set-top boxes around the home

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