Remote Connected Healthcare is Mission Critical

by Parks Associates | Aug. 26, 2020

Parks Associates will host its seventh annual Connected Health Summit virtually on September 1-3. This conference will focus on the impact of connected devices and IoT healthcare solutions on consumers at home. 

One of the speakers, Nathan Treloar, President and COO of Orbita, shared his insights with us on the recent impact of COVID-19 on the connected health markets ahead of the conference. Here's what he had to say:

How has COVID-19 impacted the connected health markets?

More than any event or trend we’ve encountered in digital health over the years, the C19 pandemic has shifted industry awareness of virtual and remote connected healthcare from “nice to have” to “mission critical”. Orbita first started promoting AI-powered voice and chatbot virtual healthcare assistants to automate and streamline remote healthcare communication workflows more than four years ago. In the last 6 months we’ve seen interest in these solutions increase dramatically as healthcare organizations look for ways to support both patients and healthcare workers with virtual healthcare assistants that reduce risks of infection, while increasing reach and efficiency.

Next: Adapting to a Global Health Crisis
Previous: Connected Health Markets and COVID-19 - Tytocare Insights


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