Security - Beyond the PC to include smartphones and consumer electronics

by | May. 27, 2010

Mocana is a company to which I was recently introduced. The company specializes in security for non-PC devices - including mobile, datacom, smart trid, federal, consumer, industrial and medical. The company today announced C-Series financing from Symantec. In its press release, Symantec indicated that enhancements to mobile security would be its inital thrust with the investment.

This was not Symantec's only move in the last week to strengthen its portfolio beyond the PC. On May 19, the company announced that it was acquiring VeriSign, which makes solutions to help protect online identities.

McAfee is apparently not resting in its bid to expand security beyond ant-malware protection. On Tuesday, it announced that it was acquiring Trust Digital, which has developed a mobile security platform largely used by enterprises.

We'll have a couple of sessions at the upcoming CONNECTIONS conference on "cloud media" and its impact on entertainment and services business models. As we continue to look at this subject, security will be a huge issue. I would look to these ISVs as active partipants in mobile, cloud, and consumer electronics applications.

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