Tech Support is an Integral Part of the Customer's IoT Journey

by Parks Associates | Sep. 30, 2015

Support services have become an integral part of the customer’s journey, especially in the Internet of Things. Parks Associates research shows that roughly 50% of those owning smart home devices experience problems with at least one device on a monthly basis. Additionally, smart home products and services will generate an additional seven million tech support requests in 2015.

Parks Associates and recently partnered together to co-host a complimentary industry webcast that explored new support strategies that will drive success in the IoT. Speakers specifically discussed how creating support strategies at a product’s inception will be a leading factor of IoT success.

Research highlights from the webcast included:

  • Essential role of customer support in IoT device adoption
  • Consumer and brand challenges
  • Analysis of traditional customer support delivery models
  • New, support strategies in the IoT world 

Speakers on the webcast included Chris Koverman, Vice President, Engineering and Alex Poulos, Vice President, Marketing, both of, Inc. Parks Associates analyst Patrice Samuels moderated the discussion.

Download the webcast recording and slide deck by clicking here.

Further Reading:

Next: Getting Consumers Onboard with the Smart Home
Previous: At your Service: Moneypenny, Cortana, Siri and the New Era of Virtual Support


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