The ubiquity of smartphones opens the door to more efficient tele-mental health care: Insights from

by Parks Associates | Sep. 8, 2016

Before sharing her insights with the attendees of the 2016 Connected Health Summit, Mimi Winsberg MD, Medical Director, Psychiatry Lead at, shared her perspective on the future of the connected health market:

What's new in 2016 that keeps you upbeat/optimistic about the connected health market?

There is increasing corporate and consumer interest in mental health. Consumers who work in healthy environments are more likely to see mental health as a top priority. Along with that are new innovative solutions that are increasing access to mental health care.

What's the most effective strategy/approach you have seen that engages consumers for health & wellness behavioral changes?

The ubiquity of smart phones enables mobile access to mental health tools, and opens the door to efficient tele-mental health care.

What do you anticipate to happen in 2017-2018 that would have the biggest impact on the connected health market?

Mainstream adoption and acceptance of mobile/ tele-health delivery models for mental health care that leverage the technologies we use in everyday life.   

Mimi spoke on the session "Effective Population Health Management Strategies: Success and Lessons Learned" alongside Alignment Health, AMC Health, Humana, and Healthways on August 31, 2016.

For more information on how to become involved in next year's event, visit

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