Toshiba's Android tablet sales stop in UK after major flaws

by Parks Associates | Nov. 18, 2010

Toshiba TabletToshiba's entry into Android tablets hit a major setback today as UK retailers have stopped sales of the Folio 100. A set of leaks of company memos from Dixons chain stores Currys and PC World have shown that both are freezing sales after a "high return rate" for multiple issues. Shops have pulled it off their websites and deliberately boosted the price to £999 ($1,613) to deter customers from asking about a sale.

Among the issues reported at MoDaCo's forums have been the absence of Android Market and Flash support despite the use of Android 2.2, random wakeups from standby and a lack of responsiveness. Some owners have also commented on a poor-quality display and low build quality with a relatively fragile plastic shell compared to the tighter build of the Samsung Galaxy Tab and the aluminum iPad. Flash should be available on Monday, but most workarounds have so far involved rooting and installing custom firmware.

Toshiba hasn't commented on the halted sales, and its lack of communication has been cited by some forum goers as a reason for returning the Folio 100.

For the complete article, please click here.

Tags: retail, tablets

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