Updates from Sonos

by | Jan. 28, 2009

The Sonos team sent out an update on their progress yesterday. From all counts, the business of selling high-quality multi-room networked audio systems is good for the company. Is the introduction of the Cisco Wireless Audio system a threat? Well, you have to admire the moxie of the Sonos team. They view Cisco's entry as "an opportunity to educate even more music lovers about the Sonos experience. With any nascent market, competition is a good thing as it exposes more consumers to a category."

Here are some interesting notes about Sonos' business:

* In 2008, Sonos had 25% YOY growth in zone registrations and over 32% YoY growth in new households. Not bad in down economy.
* 27% of Sonos households are using the Sonos Controller for iPhone. You think the rest of the CE industry isn't salivating in thinking about what the iPhone could bring to the control of their networked products?
* More than 60% of Sonos customers in the US are now using at least one music service with their Sonos. I would think that Best Buy would be awfully interested in carrying more networked audio systems if it could mean more Napster music sales and subscriptions.

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