Video viewership declining on PCs

by Parks Associates | May. 14, 2014

New 1Q 2014 research from Parks Associates shows TVs are outpacing computers as the key platform for Internet video. Parks Associates analysts find that 81% of U.S. broadband households watch video on a TV set, while 60% watch content on a computer.

The research also shows:

  • U.S. broadband households watched roughly 3 hours of online video per week on both a PC and TV, but the amount of online video consumed on a TV is increasing, up from 2.3 hours per week in 1Q 2013.
  • The amount of all video consumed on PCs has declined, dropping from over eight hours per week in 2013 to 6.2 hours per week now.
  • Thirty-one percent of U.S. broadband households surveyed said they watch video on a smartphone, and 28% watch on a tablet. 
  • The PC was the only platform to show any significant decline in video viewing in the past year.

This research was announced at the CONNECTIONS Connected Home Conference today in San Francisco, where executives from the smart home, digital entertainment, and consumer electronics industries are converging to network, exhibit new products, and learn market insights. Press passes allow access to the materials online, or materials and interviews with Parks Associates analysts can be requested directly by emailing Holly Sprague

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