What Will Pay TV Look Like in the Future? Insights from PBS

by Parks Associates | Dec. 4, 2018

Prior to Parks Associates’ 1st-annual Future of Video: OTT, Pay TV, and Digital Media conference, Don Wilcox, Vice President, Multiplatform Marketing & Content, PBS shared insights with the analyst team to discuss what the future of Pay TV will look like.

Don will be participating on the Distribution Opportunities and Challenges for Content Producers panel on Tuesday, December 11, at 8:45 AM. Panelists joining him on this session include:

Jon Cody, CEO/Founder, TV4 Entertainment
Ryan Curry, Head of Tech and Innovation, Combs Enterprises
Joel Fineman, Director, Publisher Development, Premion
Bruce Littman, Executive Vice President, Content Distribution, One America News Network / AWE (A Wealth of Entertainment)

What is the greatest challenge facing the video industry over the next three years?
Overpopulation, both in terms of content and distribution points. Acquiring and retaining viewers in a world of seemingly infinite choice - and limited shelf space for discovery - will be a big challenge.

What is driving growth in video entertainment today? How does that change over the next few year?
The proliferation of digital choices is a big part of this, as are the features digital platforms offer up like recommendations and binge viewing.

What technology will have the biggest impact on your business in the next 18 months and why?
AI and the personalization and high-relevance discovery AI can drive will be a very big factor. Everyone is talking about AI for a reason.

What is the top growth opportunity for content producers over the next few years? What about for cable networks?
In the near term, achieving ubiquity across end points seems key. A bit longer term (but not much), adopting a multiplatform mindset and creating for more than just the traditional format offers real promise in engaging the next generation of viewers.

What is one thing that the pay-TV ecosystem needs to learn from the online giants in video (Google, Netflix, Facebook, and Amazon)?
Think about the user experience first! Your viewers are no longer a captive audience without choice. Interfaces on most services is atrocious.

What will pay TV services look like in five years?
Viewers will probably still prefer the big glass when they have access to it, but further diversification of viewing methods will necessitate broadband distribution to every screen.

For more information on the Future of Video, visit: www.fov2018.com

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Next: How Will the Industry Drive Growth in Video Entertainment and How Will it Handle the Challenges Ahead? Insights from Accedo
Previous: Discussing Challenges Facing the Video Industry with Premion


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