Will DISH’s à la Carte Play Make a Difference? In a Word, Yes

by Parks Associates | Sep. 28, 2012

You have to hand it to DISH Network CEO Charlie Ergon, he certainly knows how to make headlines.

The latest, of course, came in a Bloomberg story yesterday afternoon about DISH in negotiations to make a handful of Viacom, Scripps Networks interactive and giant Spanish-language broadcaster Univision channels available online. While it’s not exactly Modern Family, Glee or Monday Night Football, the three networks do have some higher-scoring cable shows to offer on Nickelodeon, MTV, Food Network and HGTV, not to mention a large, and growing Hispanic audience with Univision.

The big news, of course, is that DISH is rumored to be willing to make those channels available in an à la carte mode, or at the very least make them available in smaller, less-costly bundles.

That’s something consumers have been asking of their pay-TV providers for a long time, and something that the industry has not been willing to do, aside from offering some unappealing basic selections.

This isn’t a new though on the part of DISH, the company has talked about a la carte and smaller bundles for a while, now. This is, however, the first solid rumor of them actually trying to make it happen.

If Dish moves forward, it would be a significant change for pay-TV providers, altering the dynamics of a industry that always has believed bigger is better, despite what the customer wants.

Google Fiber in Kansas City. Aereo in New York City.

Now, DISH Network looking to offer à la carte.

Will we see a big change in the industry overnight? No. But it could start some dominoes falling.

Tags: pay TV

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