Expanding the Base: From Security to Smart Home analyzes the potential of growing the home security market through integrated, Internet-enabled packages.

It compares and contrasts the established base of security-system owners against households with newer, more sophisticated offerings. It also analyzes households that are considering adopting a security system and those who recently considered a system but ultimately chose not to adopt one.

View the Project Table of Contents.

  • Trends in consumer perceptions and adoption of security systems
  • Impact of new Internet-enabled security and home control systems
  • Inhibitors to adoption
  • Current system capabilities and replacement and upgrade cycles
  • DIY vs. professionally installed systems
  • The use of fee-based self-monitoring services
  • Market share and reputation of monitoring providers

Key Benefits

  • In-depth analysis of key consumer groups within the markets for home security and home controls
  • Comparison of consumers using professionally monitored versus self-monitored systems
  • Identification of the key inhibitors forestalling security system adoption
  • Analysis of current adoption trends for home security and home control systems
  • Profile of recent security system owners and how they differ from the established base of owners

This research identifies the necessary directions for all players in this market and the strategies most likely to find success. This research also helps companies understand if these new integrated systems are expanding the base of security system owners, which has hovered near the same percentage for years, or if only current owners are upgrading to these more advanced systems.

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