Crossing the Chasm – Understanding Growth in the Smart Home

Ayla Networks - Workshop IoT SponsorParks Associates IoT Analyst Team presents research and analysis in this full-day workshop. This special event, sponsored by Ayla Networks, helps smart home players develop strategies to expand IoT awareness and adoption to the mass market.

Preliminary Agenda

8:30 AM Welcome and Opening Comments
The Senior Analyst Team from Parks Associates sets the stage with a discussion on the current trends driving the growth and development of the smart home and the consumer-based IoT.

Tom Kerber, Director, IoT Strategy, Parks Associates

9:00 AM Crossing the Chasm: Smart Home, Entertainment, Health and Wellness | Research Presentation
The key challenge in today’s smart home market is to develop a strategy that can move adoption from the early market to the mass market. Has adoption stalled? Is interest waning? What pain points must be addressed and value propositions seized upon to move this market forward? This session presents ownership trends, purchase intentions, and consumer expectations on features and functionality for smart home, entertainment, and health and wellness products and services. Speakers also discuss the different strategies for smart home players and what each category needs to do to expand its presence.

Tom Kerber, Director, IoT Strategy, Parks Associates

9:30 AM Discussion: Smart Home, Entertainment, Health and Wellness | Industry Perspectives

Jim Hunter, Chief Scientist and Technology Evangelist, Greenwave Systems

Erik Ramberg, Director of Product Management, Business Unit Media, Ericsson

Discussion led by Tom Kerber, Director, IoT Strategy, Parks Associates

9:50 AM IoT: Privacy and Security Concerns | Research Presentation
Almost half of consumers rank privacy as their greatest concern about connecting devices to the Internet, and 40% have experienced a privacy or security problem with a connected device in the past year. Consumers are increasingly aware of the risks alongside the benefits of owning smart home devices. This presentation analyzes trends in consumer concerns regarding connected devices and services, including shifts over time and their preferences for solutions to secure their data and identity. This session also presents industry strategies incorporate more advanced security applications and addresses current approaches of and differences between the FTC and FCC regarding privacy issues.

Brad Russell, Research Analyst, Parks Associates

10:15 AM Discussion: Approaches to Privacy and Security | Industry Perspectives


Naveen Chhangani, Senior Director of Product Management, Arlo Smart Home, NETGEAR

Discussion led by Brad Russell, Research Analyst, Parks Associates

10:30 AM Break

11:00 AM Race to Deliver Safety and Security in the Smart Home | Research Presentation
Safety and security are the top use cases in selling the smart home, and all players are driving to develop solutions that can capture this consumer demand. This session analyzes current consumer demands and expectations for these use cases, their attitudes toward the smart home as part of a security system, and strategies to leverage this demand to push smart home products and services to mass-market adoption.

Tom Kerber, Director, IoT Strategy, Parks Associates

11:30 AM Discussion: Mass-Market Adoption of Smart Home Products | Industry Perspectives

Scott Hublou, VP, Global Connected Services, Salus

Discussion led by Tom Kerber, Director, IoT Strategy, Parks Associates

12:00 PM Networking Lunch

1:00 PM Competition for Smart Home Services | Research Presentation
Growth in the residential security market and its position as the leading channel for smart home solutions have attracted numerous new entrants. Telecoms, retailers, and CE manufacturers are joining traditional security players as they compete to fulfill consumer demand for safety, security, and interactivity with their home. Competition at the product level is fierce as well, with hero products making breakthroughs to the mass market while a long tail of other players compete for market share. This session assesses the strategies and competitive advantages and disadvantages among service providers and manufacturers in the smart home space.

Tom Kerber, Director, IoT Strategy, Parks Associates

1:30 PM Discussion: Strategies for Different Smart Home Players


Mike Buckingham, Director, August PRO, August

Neil Raggio, Senior Director, Home Control Product and Business, Logitech

Discussion led by Tom Kerber, Director, IoT Strategy, Parks Associates

2:00 PM Expanding the Connected Home Ecosystem | Research Presentation
The most popular smart home purchases among consumers have been relatively small devices, including lightbulbs, thermostats, and cameras. The market for larger smart home devices, including appliances and hot water heaters, has yet to expand beyond the earliest of early adopters, but many of the most lucrative benefits of the IoT emerge when these devices are all connected in the home. This session looks at strategies to expand the scope of the smart home in both the consumer mindset and spending. The speaker also examines innovations to extend “smart” capabilities to unconnected devices – and how these solution might be a bridge to the fully connected home.

Brad Russell, Research Analyst, Parks Associates

2:30 PM Break

3:00 PM New Business Models for the Smart Home | Research Presentation
Connectivity to the cloud allows companies to develop new and innovative consumer experiences as part of a product and service ecosystem. These innovations force business models to expand beyond single devices to an interoperability matrix that includes multiple IoT products and services that consumers can remotely monitor and control. The session presents the links consumers see between various devices, the use cases driving their expectations, and strategies to create revenue streams from these matrices.

Tom Kerber, Director, IoT Strategy, Parks Associates

3:30 PM Discussion: Expanding the Smart Home | Industry Perspectives


Paul Campbell, VP & Head, Silicon Valley Innovation Center, Schneider Electric

Rod McLane, Sr. Director Product Marketing, Ayla Networks

Discussion led by Tom Kerber, Director, IoT Strategy, Parks Associates

4:00 PM Closing Comments

Price $850.00

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