"tablets" articles

Digital Media II is a primary consumer survey measuring the adoption and use of existing platforms and gauges the market potential for future platforms including digital cameras, TVs, digital photo frames, and Blu-ray players. Key Topics include the following: - 3D TV - The market potential for "slate" and tablet PCs - Triggers for adoption, usage scenarios, and hardware configuration for emerging platforms - Hardware configurations used for consuming Internet video...
With much fanfare, Steve Jobs unveiled his new darling today—a much-hyped iPad. It’s a big iPod Touch for sure. For now, the iPad appears to wow netbook and Kindle users, but intentionally or not, the iPad could lead to a sea change to the designs of a more established product category: digital photo frame. With a dock and purportedly 10-hour battery life, the iPad can be used as a photo frame when owners are not actively using it. It won’t be the major function of the iPad, but...
by Harry Wang | Jan. 27, 2010
Tags: mobile, tablets
“I have never been much of a reader, but I would like to read more,” is a comment heard ever more frequently at happy hours, professional events and even, as for me, at the office. In my case, as in many others, the conversation centered on the advent of e-readers such as the Amazon Kindle and the Sony Reader Digital Book which, ironically, are using technology to bring this desire to reconnect with the tradition of the written word within the grasp of today’s overscheduled and high...
by Parks Associates | Mar. 27, 2009
Tags: connected CE, tablets
Amazon.com stays mum about sales of its e-book reader the Kindle. Private sources pegged 2008 unit sales between 300K and 500K. More rosy is the forecast. An equity research analyst projected early this year that Kindle and its content can bring Amazon.com $1.2 billion in 2012. Whether such forecast is accurate is anyone’s guess. But there is no doubt that electronic books and literatures are an under-monetized asset. This week I learned, in quite a surprise, that Shanda Literature,...
by Harry Wang | Mar. 27, 2009
Tags: connected CE, digital media, tablets
Jeff Bezos' claim that Amazon.com had its best holiday season ever was not overstated, it would appear. And, the Kindle appears to be a hit. Amazon.com reported an 18% increase in net sales in Q4 over last year (that's North America; their international segment sales were actually up 19%). From The Wall Street Journal: Amazon has also broadened its offerings with its own products, such as the Kindle ebook reader. But the company has struggled to meet demand for the device, which...
by | Jan. 31, 2009
Tags: tablets
When I posted my last blog about Android’s market traction, I left out a name: Dell Computer. According to today’s Wall Street Journal, Dell is close to completing the design of an Android-based smartphone. Dell’s spokesperson declined to comment on specifics, saying the company “hasn’t committed to anything.” Should Dell count on smartphones to revive its sales and brand? The smartphone is a hot product category, but Dell is a newcomer to the mobile phone space. It...
by Harry Wang | Jan. 30, 2009
Tags: mobile, smartphones, tablets

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