« ParksAssociates.com Hosted by Parks Associates

Sponsorship Opportunities

Event Sponsor

Logo recognition on website, marketing, and at event (signage, materials, and slides between sessions)

      Tabletop for display / demo (optional)

      3 event conference passes; 1 workshop pass

      Invitation to participate on Event Advisory Board


Break Sponsorship (Limited to 3)

      Recognition as exclusive sponsor of one of three breaks

      1 event conference pass; 1 workshop pass


Registration Sponsorship (Exclusive)

      Recognition as exclusive sponsor for registration

      4 event conference pass; 1 workshop pass

      Half-page ad in Program Guide

      Flier included within attendee portfolio (must be received by Jan 10, 2011)


Lunch Sponsorship (Limited to 2)

      Recognition at event as exclusive sponsor of one of two lunches at event

      5 min to speak to audience during lunch

      3 event conference pass; 2 workshop pass

      Full-page ad in Program Guide


Reception Sponsorship (Exclusive)

      Recognition at event as exclusive sponsor of first night reception

      5-10 min to speak to audience at the reception

      3 event conference pass; 2 workshop pass

      Full-page ad in Program Guide


Stubb’s BAR-B-Q Dinner Sponsor (Exclusive)

      Recognition at event as exclusive sponsor of second night reception and dinner

      5 min to speak to audience to invite them to the break

      5 event conference pass; 3 workshop pass

      Full-page ad in Program guide (within first 5 pages)


Additional Items that can be added to sponsorship

      Additional Conference or Workshop Pass for sponsors

      Half-page ad in Program Guide

      Full-page ad in Program Guide

      Inside-cover Ad in Program Guide - limit 2

      Interview through Viodi TV onsite at event