Blog articles from 11/2012

I’ve long maintained that nature abhors a vacuum when it comes to over-the-top content, and believe that content owners who don’t take full advantage of the opportunity to get their wares in front of consumers stand to—eventually—lose out to those who do. Want a sure recipe to lose audience, especially younger viewers? Hide content behind a pay wall, ignore OTT, and watch your audience dissolve… especially your audience in the 18- to 35-year-old segment. One...
by Parks Associates | Nov. 15, 2012
Tags: OTT
Some marriages are made in heaven. Consider Batman and Robin, butter and popcorn, and football and Saturday afternoons among them. Lionsgate U.K. may have just found a mate that will add to that list: Pizza and streaming video. The studio this week tied the knot on a deal with Domino’s Pizza , giving the Ann Arbor, Mich.-based pizza delivery company the right to stream Lionsgate movies in the United Kingdom. There are nearly 750 Domino’s Pizza stores throughout the U.K. and...
by Parks Associates | Nov. 1, 2012
Tags: europe, OTT

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Johnson Controls

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Rapid Response Monitoring

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Schneider Electric

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Zen Ecosystems

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@ParksAssociates RT @AdvancedTVNews: The next 12 months could bring some major growth to online-pay TV services, according to @ParksAssociates. via @advance

