Blog articles from 12/2012

On Thursday 29th November, at 10:26am UTC Syria disappeared. Not geographically, not politically, but digitally. Syria went dark. The plugs were pulled. According to network inspectors Renesys, there were a still a few Syrian networks connected to the internet, but some 12 hours later those five networks were taken offline as well. The digital lights went out. The chart is impressive. One moment there’s a huge chunk of internet traffic and the next, it’s gone –...
by Parks Associates | Dec. 11, 2012
Tags: Asia, industry event

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Johnson Controls

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Rapid Response Monitoring

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Schneider Electric

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Zen Ecosystems

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@ParksAssociates RT @AdvancedTVNews: The next 12 months could bring some major growth to online-pay TV services, according to @ParksAssociates. via @advance

