"lighting" articles

Three applications will drive adoption of control systems over the next five years: energy management, entertainment systems and content control, and remote home self-monitoring. Consumers see the value in these areas, which, once established, can serve as the base for expanded control systems in the home. Parks Associates new report Home Systems: Home Controls – Analysis and Forecasts finds low consumer awareness and a shortage of affordable installation services currently...
Brings Energy Management, Monitoring and Conservation to the Home for Consumers and Utilities -- Simple self-installable kit lets consumers manage energy usage and reduce utility bills with smart power adapters, thermostats, and an in-home energy control center. 4Home , the leader in home control services, announced a new energy management system, 4Home Energy . Offering onsite or remote monitoring, this new system gives consumers a connected home solution for controlling...
New applications and consumer demand will push installed base to 60 million in 2012 -- Consumer demand for intelligent control applications will push U.S. revenues for wireless and powerline controls from $740 million in 2008 to over $3 billion in 2012, according to Opportunities for Wireless & Powerline Controls. This new report forecasts the installed base for these technologies will skyrocket to nearly 60 million in 2012, thanks in large part to key players entering...

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