As Consumers Increase Mobile Video Consumption, Revenues Expected to Top Billions

by Parks Associates | Feb. 17, 2014

Parks Associates follows the digital advertising industry closely. New research indicates that smartphone and tablet owners are increasing the amount of time they spend watching TV and video apps on their devices—in fact, 44% of tablet owners and 32% of smartphone users have increased their video consumption on these mobile platforms compared to 12 months ago.

This increase in video consumption by consumers will lead to subsequent revenue increases for in-app advertising as well, Parks Associates finds. By 2017, in-app revenues on smartphone and tablet TV and video apps is expected to top over $5.6 billion.

Heather Way, research analyst at Parks Associates, will be moderating an advertising/monetization panel at this year's Digital Entertainment World. The session takes place Tuesday, February 18, and will include representatives from CBS Interactive, Dailymotion, Trailerpop, and YuMe. "A true cross-platform video measurement approach is essential to quantify unduplicated reach across broadcast and cable TV, the Internet, and mobile apps," said Way, and her panel will focus on how advertisers and marketers can better measure video metrics in multi-screen applications.

For more information on the DEW panel, click here.

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