Come Test the Waters at “The Pool”

by | Jan. 22, 2009

The WSJ featured an article today announcing the formation of “The Pool.”

Lead by Publicis Groupe’s Starcom MediaVest and VivaKi, The Pool is a consortium of six major media companies including Microsoft, Yahoo!, CBS Interactive, and as well as several marketers. The Pool was assembled with hopes to increase online video ad revenue by developing effective ad format standards and identifying which online video ad formats are most preferred by online viewers.

The group will test five different online video ad forms in a focus group setting. The top two ad formats will be subject to beta testing on the media companies’ websites. Starcom MediaVest and VivaKi clients participating in the Pool will help test the preferred ad formats during the beta test.

I found this announcement particularly interesting as it confirmed my position as detailed in a blog I recently wrote, In 2009, Make Consumer Ad Preferences Priority One. I anxiously await the results!

Tags: online video

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Previous: In 2009, Make Consumer Ad Preferences Priority One.


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